Polling Closures

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Black population

This map shows the percentage of each county's population that is black.

Hispanic population

This map shows the percentage of each county's population that is Hispanic.

Median household income

This map shows the median household income in each county.

Median age

This map shows the median age in each county.

Democratic vote share, 2008-2016

This map shows the percentage of each county's vote that went to the Democratic candidate. You can toggle layers on and off to see the data for different years. 2008 is the first layer in the list of options, 2016 the last.

Polling locations

Percentage change in number of polling locations

This map shows the percentage change in a county's number of polling locations over 4-year time periods. You can toggle layers on and off to see the data for different periods. The first layer in the list shows the 2008-2012 change, the next 2012-2016, the last the total 2008-2016 change.

Number of voters per polling location

This map shows the number of voters per polling station in a county. You can toggle layers on and off to see the data for different years. 2008 is the first layer in the list of options, 2016 the last.

Number of polling workers per polling location

This map shows the number of polling workers per polling station in a county. You can toggle layers on and off to see the data for different years. 2008 is the first layer in the list of options, 2016 the last.

Provisional votes

Percentage of provisional votes counted

This map shows the percentage of provisional votes that were counted in a county. You can toggle layers on and off to see the data for different years. 2008 is the first layer in the list of options, 2016 the last.

Percentage of voters who cast provisional votes

This map shows the percentage of voters who cast provisional votes in a county. You can toggle layers on and off to see the data for different years. 2008 is the first layer in the list of options, 2016 the last.

We include the ratio of provisional ballots to total ballots cast as a potential proxy for potential impediments to voting. Voters typically cast provisional ballots when they feel they are entitled to vote but are denied due to errors surrounding their eligibility.